Seed Science Technology
Webinar Schedule
The Seed Science Technology webinar series will take place Tuesday, November 5, 12, and 19 starting at 12:00 noon CSDT.
12:00 noon CSDT
Global Biotech Adoption Trends, Applications, and Benefits
Presented by Dr. Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications Inc. (ISAAA)
- Dr. Romero-Aldemita’s presentation will expound on the status of biotech crop adoption trends across the globe in the last three decades, its contribution to regenerative agriculture, and its prospects. She will discuss updates on crop gene editing and its regulatory landscape.
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12:00 noon CSDT
What we know and what we need to know about assembly of the spermosphere microbiome
Presented by Dr. Larry Halverson, Iowa State University
- Relatively little is known about the spermosphere microbiome and how its assembly may ultimately shape the plant microbiome. This is important since the structure of the microbial community along with environmental factors will likely influences community succession patterns that will influence plant health. In this talk we will provide insight into key features influencing spermosphere microbiome assembly and how the environment, including management, could influence the plant microbiome, particularly early in plant growth.
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12:00 noon CSDT
Next-Generation Seed Testing Through High-Throughput Sequencing.
Presented by Dr. Veronica Roman-Reyna, Pennsylvania State University
- Dr. Roman-Reyna’s presentation will describe how High-Throughput Sequencing (HTS) can enhance seed diagnostics by addressing key biological questions related to seed health. She will cover how HTS works and its advantages and similarities to traditional methods.
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